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Overview 비주얼 이미지


  • Welcome to the Smart Tech Bridge, an innovative platform provided by the Korea Technology Finance Corporation (KOTEC).
    Our platform is designed to facilitate the seamless transfer of advanced technologies from research institutions to the commercial market, supporting the growth of businesses and fostering technological innovation.

What is Smart Tech-Bridge ?

  • Smart Tech Bridge is an integrated system that connects technology providers with potential commercial partners.
    It aims to bridge the gap between research and industry by providing a comprehensive platform for the evaluation, transfer,
    and commercialization of cutting-edge technologies.

  • A demand-based technology trading platform of the Korea Technology Finance Corporation that connects technology owned by research institutes, universities, and the private sector with technology needed by SMEs and supports technology commercialization through step-by-step technology financing
Smart Tech-Bridge

Smart Tech-Bridge connects enterprises and technologies

  • Smart Tech-Bridge is the newly designed & AI-based technology-trading platform that supports the entire process of technology trading, from decision-making to commercialization.

  • Smart Tech-Bridge concentrates technology trading and commercialization information, including intellectual property rights, in one place and provides an easy-to-use, search-and-matching environment.

  • Smart Tech-Bridge will expand the demand-centered open technology-innovation market by creating new business models for the private sector and lead the way in promoting the innovative growth of SMEs
Promotion of Successful Commercialization of R&D Results of the Nation